Welcome to the Baytul-Iman Academy Web Site. BIA is one of the 250 unique North  American schools that are neither secular and atheistic nor exclusively religious. They  are not even so-called “Muslim schools†where an artificial patch of Islamic Studies is  attached to the secular subjects. They are indeed educational institutions that are  attempting to become truly Islamic schools.
Our motto is’ excellence [Ihsan] in education and excellence in living.’ BIA’s foremost  goal is to develop an Islamic personality that is fully capable to play a leading role in the American society and the world at large.
 Alhamdulillah, we are making steady progress to achieve our desired targets. We are  indeed proud to have students who have continuously performed at a higher level on  the nationally standardized tests. Generally, our students have done better than their  class level in the Terra Nova Standardized Tests. Fifty percent of our graduates in the  last two years got admission into the prestigious Magnet Schools specializing in  Allied Health, Bio-Medical Sciences and High Technology.
The school provides many  enrichment programs for its talented students, our students earned many outstanding awards including:
- Best School at ICNA Islamic Quiz: 9 Years
- NJ Science Olympiad Trophy: ​8 Years
- ​Six Students became Hafiz of Qur’an and lead Tarawieh in 5 places​
- National Poetry Finalists: ​9​ Years
- Qur’an Qirat Competition Wins: ​6​ Years
- Gold / Silver Pin Awards in Math Olympiad: 6 Years
- Spelling Bee wins/finalists: 4 Years
- Gold Medals Muslim Sports Day/Islamic Games: 7 Years
- UIF National Islamic Essay Competition Winner
- Honorable Mentions / Resolution Passed in Model United Nations Debating Contest: ​4​ Years
- Magnet Schools Admissions: 7 Years
- Google Doodle Arts Finalist 3 Years
- Johns Hopkins Talent Search Wins: 5 Years
- Boy Scouts Pack 786 Journey to Excellence Silver Award
At the same time, the school is also concerned with the students who need extra [but not special] help in their studies. The small classes are ideally suited for all students, especially academically weak ones. One to one relationship between the teacher and students is most crucial in these cases. Many teachers even volunteer to tutor students during their free periods. In addition, a certified specialized public school teacher conducts especial class for all such students. .
We are making utmost strides to even further improve our performance in the academic field. However, the secret of our success lies in the fact that we offer the most conducive environment for the academic as well as social growth of a student. Violence, vandalism, vulgarities [3Vs], that are so common in our public schools are, Alhamdulillah, completely missing. Instead, students are given individualized attention to solve their academic, emotional and social problems.
Concurrently, our students have won many honors and distinctions and participated most enthusiastically in on campus co-curricular activities such as Science Fair, Math Competition, Art Exhibit, Cultural Day, Debates, and Colloquiums, Essay Competition, Athletic Competition, Field Trips, Book Fair and Annual Function
Needless to point out that it is the congenial, conducive and cohesive environment of a small Islamic school where all such talents do not go untapped. Rather, these talents are discovered, developed and promoted by the teachers and staff of BIA.
As stated earlier, the most significant feature of the school is its attempt to integrate Islamic values and teachings into its curricular as well as co-curricular programs. Many co-curricular activities of the school are especially geared to inculcate Islamic knowledge, behavior, manners and etiquettes. These programs include the morning assembly, Salat Al-Zuhar Adhkar and Du’as [supplications] display at appropriate places around the school and their practice, competitions in Qirat, Hadith narration, story telling, skits and plays, Islamic songs, poster designs, arts and crafts.
We also offer optional Full-Time and Part-Time Hifz and Aalim programs, After-School Care and help arrange transportation. All our fees are very affordable.
The above achievements and targets would have remained a dream without the untiring efforts of a dedicated and qualified staff that is committed to present the best possible Islamic model to the students.
I would like to urge those in our community who are still on the sidelines, to come forward and join our most crucial endeavors to prepare the best possible Muslim Americans who are ready to take up the challenges of the 21st Century. To those who have already cast their lot with us, my request is to get themselves intensively involved in this gigantic task. It is so enormous that we cannot do it alone.
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A character is a terrible thing to waste!